Dear Newsletter Members, Sponsors and Prayer Partners,
We are praying for a great New Year and many God Adventures for you and your Loved ones.
Here is how we finished out the last year:
Colombia - August 2022
Rodrigo went to Medellin where he had 3 evangelical concerts there followed by a concert in Rio Negro at their performing Arts Center filled with mostly non-believers. He reconnected with a music agent that knew him from many years ago and had the chance to share his faith.
Africa - September 2022
Rodrigo was invited to a Conference in El Doret called “Love the Bible Africa”. People come from all over Africa to attend this yearly Conference.
A wonderful brother in the Lord, Reuben Kigame who was also running for the Presidency of Kenya invited Rodrigo to come on a tour with him. Rodrigo played in Secular Universities and music schools. Reuben’s desire is to influence his country toward God and ask Rodrigo to give his testimony everywhere they went. Reuben is blind, fearless and a much loved gospel singer there.
Reuben took Rodrigo to an area that was threatened by dangerous drug lords. Rodrigo was able to play for a group of children and teenagers in a small building surrounded by the city dump. It was a very moving experience to see how this group of young people hung onto Reuben and Rodrigo’s words of hope.
Slovakia - October 2022
We started our journey in Komaro, in their city’s beautiful museum. I can always spot all the guitar players in the audience because they tend to sit on the front row to get a good look at Rodrigo’s playing and finger positions. I could see they were also intently absorbing Rodrigo’s story about his life as a musician as how God changed his life.
The only disappointing thing is that evening before the concert he was told to play mostly music and not to talk too much because it was in a secular place and not a church.
Well…if you know Rodrigo it’s not a concert if there is no God message and the standing ovation and encore confirmed that his message was loved too.
There was a total of 8 concerts, starting in Slovakia and ending in Prague. In all of them we presented our 15 minute bio movie translated into their language. The local churches did an amazing job advertising the concerts and brought in full audiences followed by standing ovations. For those receiving the Lord, we encouraged them to connect with these fellowships.
When Rodrigo played in a Music Conservatory, we were very happy to see some of the students, from earlier, come to the concert that same evening. We met with the directors of the Conservatory where Rodrigo offered to set up a competition with the main prize being one of his donated guitars. He gave the guitar students 3 different arrangements of Hymns to choose from and send by video. They were so excited, and we where overjoyed that these students will learn the great words from these hymns!
In one concert a priest came from a nearby village. He was a guitarist and Rodrigo met with him the next day along with the pastor of the church to help translate. It was a great way to connect the two and open new gospel doors.
So many wonderful stories to highlight, but one that really stood out was when we played at a church where the young pastor was new and discouraged. We had dinner afterwards with him. As Rodrigo was talking to him I could see his tears as he told us he believed the Lord sent us just for him.
Lastly, we are so grateful for the sound team led by a beautiful brother and his wife that went before us from place to place to set up all the audio, visual and technical needs.
What's Next?
May 2023
We have been invited to return to Romania again, the full schedule has not been planned but we know from the last trip it will be busy!
May 2023
The Baptist Union is in the process of events now
December 2023
Czech Republic
Christmas evangelistic outreaches
Rodrigo & Mary Rodriguez
Isaiah 6:8
Here I am, send me.