Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries

Music with a heart for God

Make a Donation
Would you like to be a Musicianary Partner and send Rodrigo around the world to share his music and testimony to fulfill the great commission?

The simple truth about our ministry is Rodrigo will go whenever and wherever the Lord opens the door. Whether he is playing for 30,000 people at a crusade stadium or 30 people in a small church, it is with the exact same passion and purpose to be able to reach people with the gospel through music.

We would like to invite you to partner with our non-profit ministry prayerfully and financially to enable us to continue to reach people with the gospel. God is opening doors through the universal language of music. This is so exciting yet we need your support to help send us.

Donations made to Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries are deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Thank you for joining with us in this great work.

You can make one-time donation or become a monthly partner on the payment page.
All donations to Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries are tax deductible.
You may also send donations to:

Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries
P.O. Box 429
Simpsonville, SC 29681

Statement of Faith

Our goal is to share the gospel through music and testimony, directing all new believers to the local church for discipleship.

Rodrigo's Story

When I acknowledged that God created music as a universal language for His own purposes, it changed my whole understanding of my role and purpose in music. By His grace and love I became a Musicianary bringing the gospel through music and testimony to fulfill the great commission.

Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy. – Psalm 33:3

Pastor David Simpson

Calvary Christian Fellowship, Motherwell Scotland

Recent Musicianary Newsletters

Ireland and England 2024

On this amazing Evangelical Concert tour we traveled with a 12 member team. We had extra musicians, prayer partners and translators. We went to the above 4 cities. And then on to Ecuador.

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Thank you for joining with us in this great work.

You can make one-time donation or become a monthly partner on the payment page.
All donations to Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries are tax deductible.
You may also send donations to:

Rodrigo Rodriguez Ministries
P.O. Box 429
Simpsonville, SC 29681