England - May/June 2023
Plymouth, England
Having been invited for Rodrigo to play for the Calvary Chapel Pastor and Leadership Conference in York England, our first stop was in Plymouth England.
For now this church meets in a large barn in the beautiful countryside. We had a warm fellowship time with them. After Rodrigo shared his story, many of the young musicians came and let him know how his story and music moved them.
York, England
The main Conference took place in York England. It was also opened to the community as an outreach.
Let me share a story that made us think this has to be the most amazing reason we were there. We don’t always know what the Lord is doing as we go out, but sometimes we get to see behind the spiritual curtain to encourage us and to boast about the Lord.
On one of the nights after the event, a young man came up to Rodrigo and explained that he had a friend who was depressed, on drugs and suicidal, and also a guitar player. He showed this friend the mini Bio of Rodrigo called the Musicianary (the one we always show at our outreaches) He said this friend could not stop crying as he watched it. Long story short, Rodrigo went to visit, share and play for him. The best ending of this story was as we traveled on the next Sunday we received a text that said after 8 years away from church this young man came to church and that he looked so different you couldn’t hardly recognize him. That’s the power of the Holy Spirit who restores and gives a new beginning!
Birmingham, England
Visiting this church in Birmingham was a delight to be a part of their outreach service and seeing their passion for the next generation.
San Juan, Puerto Rico - June 2023
Rodrigo was with in San Juan Puerto Rico sharing in an outreach with the local church.
A wonderful highlight was that many musicians from the invited University and Music Conservatory heard the gospel.
Venezuela - 2023
Venezuela was a whirlwind 12 day trip with 8 outreach concerts in the cities of Acarigua and Merida.
It started out rough as Rodrigo was detained at the airport in Caracas! Thankfully he got to go hours later for this journey.
There were 2 radio interviews sending out invitations to these events.
The concerts were at the secular University of Los Andes, the City Art Museum and 2 local churches.
The most encouraging words came from one of the Pastors who said in his 24 years of his countries dictatorship he had never seen anyone share at a secular government establishment.
It was just such an honor to share the gospel in this Communistic and hostel Country.
Romans 15:20
I always want to preach the Good News in places where people have never heard of Christ, because I do not want to build on the work someone else has already started.
What's Next?
September 2023
4 outreach concerts
December 2023
Czech Republic
Christmas Evangelical Concerts
Rodrigo & Mary Rodriguez
Isaiah 6:8
Here I am, send me.