December 2023
Bratislava – Slovakia
Budapest – Hungary
Zilina – Czech-Republic
Brno – Czech-Republic
On this amazing Evangelical Concert tour we traveled with a 12 member team. We had extra musicians, prayer partners and translators. We went to the above 4 cities.
So many significant stories to tell, I could write a book!
Let me share a few highlights boasting about what the Lord did.
- We saw dozens of hands raised after Rodrigo gave an invitation to pray and wanting to know the Lord.
- One of the sweetest moments for me is when I was sitting by one of the musicians and I heard him repeat that prayer. We could tell by the end of the tour that he had a true conversion as he was asking Rodrigo true spiritual questions.
- At the last concert in Brno there were 7 different denominations that turned it also into a charity event for a children’s hospice home. In the Czech-Republic these homes have to rely utterly on private parties for support. They were presented with a $2,000. check.
January 2024
Rodrigo was invited to be the guest speaker for a Pastor’s Conference.
It was with 150 Pastors from all over Ecuador consisting of many denominations. He encouraged them through music and his testimony, and had an incredible fellowship time.
He also played for a church in Quito, 3 full services and had the blessing to see many of his family in the audience.
What's Next?
In January of this year we got together with our board members to pray and seek wisdom about the different request that we’ve received.
We think of the missions this way: we get into our little boat, put the sail up and ask the Mighty Holy Spirit to blow us where he will.
Thank you for your prayers & support to send us off!
May – Ireland, England
Sept – Dominican Republic
Oct – Venezuela, Spain
Dec – Romania
You can purchase CD’s and Downloads from our website store. All of my recordings are there and available for you to purchase.
Prayers and Support
We appreciate your prayers and financial support. The financial demands of traveling and ministering are covered through God’s grace and His people who share. If you are lead by the Holy Spirit to participate with us in this ministry, consider making a donation or becoming a monthly supporter.
Rodrigo & Mary Rodriguez
Isaiah 6:8
Here I am, send me.